Good Agriculture Practices

Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)

Many schools and other institutions strongly recommend that produce is purchased from farms that are Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certified.

Click here for more information about GAP from the United States Department of Agriculture.

The SC Department of Agriculture offers trainings and on-farm consultations to help you prepare for your audit!

Click here for more information on the GAP resources offered by the SC Department of Agriculture

“I enjoy the challenge of keeping up the standard. Once you do it and get into the feel of it, it’s part of everyday life. When I come out in the morning to pull an order, I know what process I have to go through, so I just go ahead and do it and everything works out fine.” –Al Williams, farmer in Latta, SC

GAP Resources

Companies that meet USDA, GAP, & GHP Acceptance Criteria Search

The National Good Agricultural Practices Program – Cornell University

Farm Safety Posters