When seeking donations from local community organizations and businesses target those with services that match your needs; be specific, transparent and professional with your requests. Carefully create a donation letter unique to each organization and business. Develop a reasonable “wish list” as a garden committee to include with the letter. Dropping it off in person with a store manager/owner will help make a personal connection, increasing the likelihood he or she will want to donate to the garden. If donations are received, acknowledge and thank donors by sending them a thank you letter. Donors can also be recognized on garden signs, websites, social media or any other events related to the garden.
Name of Business Address of Business City, State Zip Code
Dear [potential funder],
The [enter appropriate grade(s)] grade children at [insert preschool/school name] have planned a preschool/school vegetable garden that will include a birdhouse and journaling benches. They are hoping to plant the garden in the spring and they are asking for your help.
Please consider donating some of the tools we will need for this new garden. We need hand trowels, rakes and hoes for our [insert #] children. Whatever you are able to
provide us would help out. Our children would love to use wheelbarrows and wear garden gloves!
We will have a groundbreaking ceremony this spring in the garden in front of the school. You and your staff are invited to help break ground for the first plants that will be grown. We will provide more details closer to the date, but we hope you will be able to join us!
Thank you very much for your help.
[Insert your preschool/school name] and the children of [insert preschool/school name]
[Insert Preschool/School Contact Information]
Students can even sign their names at the bottom to personalize the letter even more.
Name of Business Address of Business City, State Zip Code
Dear [Potential funder name],
[Your preschool/school name] is interested in beginning a garden for our classrooms. With limited funds in our budget for special projects, we are unable to cover the cost of this activity. We are therefore requesting that community partners join us in implementing this worthwhile program for our children.
Gardens are a special kind of learning center for children. A garden:
Encourages fruit and vegetable consumption.
Promotes physical activity.
Provides an opportunity for children/students to connect with nature.
Helps students better understand the origin of food.
The gardening project proposed for [Your preschool/school name] will begin with lessons about how plants grow. Each child will participate in the planting, harvesting and maintenance of the garden. Children will be able to care for and watch the progress of their growing plants as they connect to where their food comes from.
This request is being submitted to [Potential funder name] to fund the materials and supplies needed for the proposed plan is to plant the garden in [Month]. If funding is approved, please resubmit to:
[Your preschool/school name]
[Garden Committee Contact]

Thank you for your consideration of this proposal. If you have any questions or would like more detailed information about this project, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely, [your name here]