Growing Healthy Futures for All Children!

This page has resources for integrating nutrition and agriculture education into the classroom as well as opportunities to extend learning outside of the classroom, whether it is in the school garden or on farm field trips!


The Clemson Advisory Committee created a monthly curriculum for teachers to integrate into the classroom for students in Kindergarten through twelfth grade.

Classroom Resources

The South Carolina Garden Toolkit was created by members of the South Carolina Farm to Institution Program. The Garden Toolkit was prepared to assist you in implementing a garden in your community. We wish you the best of luck and would love to hear your success stories!

Farm to School has a lending library available where you can check out books about gardening and eating healthy.

SC Farm to Early Care and Education is a program that connects preschools with local agriculture. The goals of the program are to increase the number of South Carolina Grown fruits and vegetable in preschools, improve children’s nutrition, provide nutrition and agriculture education, and support the local economy.

SC Farm to School is a program that connects schools with local agriculture. The goals of the program are to increase the number of South Carolina Grown fruits and vegetables in schools, promote healthy eating habits, provide nutrition and agriculture education, and support the local economy.